

Being goofy with my sweet new kicks.
In addition to 
adult beginner ballet
(just writing that 
makes me feel silly)

I'm now taking 
modern ballet techniques.

Crazy how different 
these styles are.

One is about soft curves,
delicate elongated motions...

the other 
is more abrupt 
and angular.

I love them both.

I think it's safe to say,
 - although I am not a natural
by ANY means -
I'm addicted.

Also, I touched my toes
for the first time
in years!!!

(small) Victory for Jess!
You have no idea
how inflexible I am.


  1. Hey!! Do you have any previous dance experience before this? Ive always wanted to take ballet but I thought it would be too late for someone my age...

    1. Jesi - I have absolutely ZERO dance experience!
      I was always the jock type, so this is brand new for me. And to add to that, I am not flexible at all :P

      BUT if I can do it, you can do it!

      Look for an intro to ballet class for adults and you should be able to catch on real quick! It reminds me of Pilates in a lot of ways - you have to work your core all the time for balance and use your body as resistance... I'm always sore for a few days after class! I think you'd love it!

    2. Awesome! Once life slows down Im sure to add that to the top of my list. :) good luck!

  2. Keeping yourself fresh and new as only you can. I'm inspired...

    1. :D Wow! I'm touched! Glad to have shared some inspiration... :)


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