
A studio tour

This weekend was 
Silver City's annual
Red Dot Studio Tour!

Dozens of local art studios
and galleries
opened their doors for the weekend
to share their creative process
and collections!

It was pretty rad!

Here are some photos from 
our visit with my friend
and local artist,
Victoria Chick.

On our way to her studio

Some trees over the road
We made it! Cow Trail Studio!
Part of her home on the property
In the studio

Some of her work

A cute little seating area and mini gallery in her studio

Vicki, the artist

A glance at her sketchbook

One of her horses outside

Heading down the hill from her home and studio

A view on our drive back of the Chino mine and a field with yellow flowers

Visiting Vicki at her studio is always a treat for me.
I love just chatting with her 
and seeing the progress 
on some of her newer pieces.

One time, 
she even invited me over 
for coffee and to teach me 
how to build and stretch my own canvas!
It was pretty awesome.
We actually worked on this
large painting below with the horses.

My husband exploring the studio space
And with her cats roaming around the property, 
the open doors of her work space,
and the gorgeous views and warm breeze,
I can't help but leave 

As for all the other galleries we visited...
I failed on taking photos,
but trust me.
They were pretty wonderful too!

If you're ever in Silver City for the 
Red Dot Studio Tour,
you're in for a treat! 

And to see more of Vicki's art



  1. What an awesome visit you had. Love the pictures girlie. I bet you are LOVING New Mexico.

    1. Indeed! And thank you! New Mexico sure is treating me well :) (I'm loving it more and more every day!)

  2. I absolutely love being able to see people's spaces where they are their most creative! This looks like an incredible place for a studio, complete with nature right outside the door and the colorful paintings within. Definitely sounds like an uplifting environment! :) -Ally Siwajian

    1. Agreed! I feel that one's environment/workspace/home reveals so much about the person! I love it! Vicki's studio is definitely one of my favorites!

  3. I can't believe you actually get to see such amazing natural beauty all the time! Holy hell. Plus, cute husband :)

    1. I know! New Mexico is kind of AMAZING. I haven't lived here very long, but I'm definitely loving it. And thanks! He's a keeper :)

  4. i love this post!!
    {don't worry, i really haven't forgotten about you. things are haywire on this end. you will get something in the mail SOON I PROMISE.}

    1. Yay! I'm glad! And don't worry! :D I understand the haywire side of life!

  5. Those photos are crazy pretty! Love the one with the trees arching over the road. Glad to see you immersed in art =]

    1. Thank you, Dre! I thought you'd like the trees! :)


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